Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Feeling extra contented

Perhaps because it was not my bicycle that was stolen this morning, but my wife's - and that was a bummer. But more likely, simply because I feel at ease and perfectly happy with the moment as it is. It's a very smooth work day, with everything moving along at the right pace - but this is normal for here. Upset and stress are rare occurences, I am happy to say. Plus all those lovely little computer add-ons have arrived at home, been installed, and are working perfectly and to all expectations.

None of this makes for great drama does it? It much more exciting to write about disasters and pitfalls, grudges and hurts, woes and sorrows! Certainly more exciting to read about them.


Inspector Lohmann said...

Happiness and contentedness are boring. To others. There is no need for art in utopia...

Unknown said...

An interesting point about art, and perhaps true. However, I can't say my life is boring - it seems remarkably full of the richest of emotions. Paradoxical, perhaps.

Unknown said...
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